Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My Dream Kitchen

Every person who loves to cook have their own version of a dream kitchen. For me, it's more like giving you joy/excitement/happiness beeing in a perfect kitchen. making you more inspired to cook.

And heres my "DREAM" kitchen.

I picture it to be like this: A Combination of a few good furniture, a complete kitchen equipments, a colorful theme and a whole lot of foods...

I want a kitchen with an island and a hanging pot racks on top of it.

I want a kitchen with oven, electric mixers and complete kitchen gadgets.

I want a kitchen with complete cooking/baking utensils and equipment.

I want a kitchen with enough space for storage.

I want a kitchen with a walk-in pantry.

I want a kitchen with breakfast nook.

I want a not-so big kitchen BUT spacious enough to move around.

I want my kitchen wall be painted with apple green/Orange/Yellow. I want it to look lively and colorful. SO a white and beige is a no-no for me.

I want my kitchen sink faced in a window. and in my kitchen window displays a variety of herb plants. (thyme, mint, basil, rosemary etv.)

I want my kitchen organized.

And I want it just like Rachel Ray's Kitchen in 30-minute meal.

Whats Yours?!

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